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Upper School

middle school

"We sensed that our youngest daughter needed a smaller, kinder environment in order to thrive in middle school and we are so pleased to have found All Saints Catholic School in Norwalk!"

Grades 6-8

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 "The academics are rigorous, the teachers empower girls to excel in mathematics and science and the ELA vocabulary and grammar instruction is beyond comparison."

Upper School: Grades 6 through 8

In sixth through eighth grade, lessons are centered around developing critical thinking and creative problem solving via project learning, public speaking and argumentative writing. All students in grades 6-8  have a Chromebook enabled tablet purchased as part of their supplies. Google Classroom is used for their daily lessons and communications. Both digital and physical media are available to all students.

As part of their commitment to God, students attend monthly masses, reconciliation services during Advent and Lent and spirituality and prayer are emphasized as a deepening understanding of their relationship to God is forged.

As a culmination of the Upper School experience, students in grades 7 and 8 are expected to participate in community service activities. In addition, each student develops a CAPSTONE project that involves interdisciplinary skills starting in the third quarter of seventh grade. At the end of eighth grade CAPSTONE projects are reviewed and scored by judges from the area high schools. 

For more information about the curriculum our private middle school offers or to enroll your child, we encourage you to contact our admissions office in Norwalk, CT! If you are interested in touring our campus or learning more about the benefits of a Catholic education, our staff would be happy to walk you through the process!